Miss Representation is a documentary that was released in the year 2011. This documentary discusses and presents views on the representation of women in media and its effects on women and men in our society. A few statements that were printed in the documentary were that women in modern days are represented weaker than men, are not “interesting enough” to have protagonist roles and are often presented as sexual objects to appeal men. The documentary stats that eventually the society will adopt, and women start to act like what they see. This leads to the society thinking of women in a different way and will have effects like companies paying woman less as they judge them by what media potteries them to be. !
As shown in Miss Representation, each time women gained power, there were campaigns or general shifts in the representation in movies. During the war, as all the man had to fight in the war, women had to take over their work, and jobs. This led to an empowerment of women and more or equal power in the society than the men. The media realized the growing influence of women and wanted to bring them back to the kitchen. From there on media started to influence the audiences to send woman back from their jobs to their houses. This involved women taking movies roles in which they were represented as someone who had to be supported by men and had to stay at home. This had a huge impact on society. Nowadays the same happens, women in media are represented as dolls and have to change their character to fit in the advertisement or roll. !
Spreading awareness is the motto of the documentary, as young women do not know any other behavior than what they see in different forms of mass media. Even though this is what the documentary said I do not completely agree to it. If this is one side, today woman can also be seen on the covers of financial magazines like Time and Forbes. Woman also get important and strong roles in movies and have a lot of