For this interview she chose to remain anonymous while being asked a series of questions. When asked if only men could be security guards, she went on to talk about how women are capable at doing the same job and are just as strong. She would do everything necessary to make sure there is no problems whenever she is present. Her response to guards only getting the job because of physical appearance is that it depends on the type of needs from the place and if the person meets the qualifications. She said the main reason for her job is to make sure the rules for the school are followed. Another question was how security guards were considered failures at being in law enforcement. Her reply to that was, “There are a lot of guards from different backgrounds like those who have a higher education than others, previously been in law enforcement, and those who served in the military. Our job is to enforce the school rules and observe and report. They don’t all want to be a police officer”.
When the question on how security guards are slow and don't have a high level of education came up, she explained how being security was temporary because she is finishing college and is on track to earn her master's degree. This interview that was conducted gave a better look on the stereotypes and misconceptions of how security guards are and suppose to be according to