Liking: Friendship
Infatuation: puppy love
Empty: empty-shell marriage (staying in a marriage for the children)
Romantic: a holiday romance
Companionate: committed marriage
Fatuous: whirlwind courtship
Consummate: all three components are present to a substantial degree
Passionate and companionate love (Hatfield & Berscheid, 1978)
Scores between 106-135 indicate Extremely passionate you are wildly and recklessly in love
Scores between 86-105 indicate passionate
Scores between 66-85 average
Scores between 45-65 cool
Scores between 15-44 extremely cool
Passionate love:
Characterized by high arousal, intense attraction, and fear of rejection
According to Hatfield & Berscheid there are three factors necessary for passionate love to occur:
1. Knowledge of what love is (e.g., movies, books, songs etc.)
2. Physiological arousal
3. Belief that another person is responsible for those feelings of arousal
Excitation transfer theory (Zillman, 1983) arousal or excitation created from one stimuli can amplify the excitation response to a totally different stimuli due to prior excitation not completely decaying yet.
Companionate Love “The affection we feel for those with whom our lives are deeply entwined”
Based on child/parent attachments
For adult romantic relationships
Hazen and Shaver suggested this model
Secure 56%(65%)
Avoidant 25% (23)
Anxious 19% (12%)
According to Bartholomew there are 2 types of avoidant attachment style
1. Fearful-avoidant negative view of self (low self-esteem), negative view of others (low interpersonal trust)
2. Dismissing avoidant positive view of self (high self-esteem) negative view of others (low interpersonal trust)
The term social influence really refers to the attempts by others to influence our ideas, thoughts, behaviours, attitudes etc. There are three different types of social influence we will discuss
1. Conformity