Candidate name: Ellie Lancey Signature:
Assessor name: Debbie Harris Signature:
Location: St Michaels Acadamy Date:30/7/13
Candidate name: Ellie Lancey Signature:
Assessor name: Debbie Harris Signature:
Location: St Michaels Acadamy Date:30/7/13
Unit 334- Health and Safety – WAQs
When planning an activity all children have the right to be safe in their learning environment and as the teacher or teaching assistant it is your job to ensure the safety of every child whether working indoors and outdoors is of the highest priority. This is done by identifying the hazards and risks in all situations. It is also a legal requirement to make sure the children are safe this can be done by ensuring the five major hazards are considered, these are; Physical, Security, Fire, Personal and Food safety (each is explained in greater detail in the following paragraphs). Filling in risk assessments ensures the potential risks and hazards to the children are considered and measures taken to reduce the risk if they are considered unsafe for all activities from school residential trips to using glue guns. When supervising children it is important to be aware of the risks children can be exposed to in order to keep them safe and we must take their age and the child’s individual needs into account, this is because a younger or disabled child are more likely to have accidents as they are most likely to have not yet got a full awareness of danger. When measuring on site risks we can use five points to assess and minimise risk.
Firstly, physical hazards, these are hazards which could include objects lying on the floor such as coats, bags and toys this is what we call a trip hazard. Spillages such as water or paint on