Instructor: Dr. Loretta Evivie
Class: Bus110-88 Introduction to Business
Assignment 1: Stock Pick Rationale
Date: 02/01/2014
A lot of people are confused when it comes to phones/electronic devices and their operating systems on their device, IOS android and Windows are the most important competitors when it comes to operating systems on different phones. Software that operates our phones is called the Mobile Operating Systems/ Mobile OS. Phone operating systems do not have to be made by one company; instead they are being made by several companies grouped. For example devices that run under Android are grouped together these OS are all made by Google, Devices that operate with IOS are made by Apple, and devices that operate with Windows are made by Windows.
I work in sales of phone and tablet. What do I want to sell my consumer; Android, IOS or windows devices? Well this can be different for each consumer depending on their needs. I always look for my customer`s preference when it comes to operating systems and from their I can push the right product to the right consumer. Another factor that matter is the cost my consumer is looking to spend…there is a perfect competition going on between these three major OS developers; as a result, this competition benefits the consumer in many ways. First is the price range they can pick from; second is the quality of the product and third is the model of the device using that specific OS and so on. I am enjoying this business because of the markets competition and the development of many different OS and devices (Technology is ruling the world). Working in technology field benefits me in one major way; I am always up-to-date on what comes out in the market and how the companies develop their operating system that fits their business the best. This makes me be one of the first to get a job when looking for one.
Windows is the most known in the market for its long existence in our