The number of American Troops killed in Afghanistan and Iraq between 2001 and 2012 was 6488. The number of American women who were murdered by current or ex male partners during that time was 11766. That is nearly double the number of casualties lost during war. Women are much more likely to become items of intimate partner violence with 85% of domestic abuse victims being women and 15% men. Too many women have been held captive by domestic violence whether through physical abuse, financial abuse e, emotional abuse or combination of both. (Clark) …show more content…
However, there are over 18 shelters and programs outside Mecklenburg county. There isn’t a lot of detail information regarding the shelter location and programs offered. This is strictly for the safety of the victims.
Domestic violence is the most under reported crime in America. We can all take steps to stop domestic violence in America. If you or a loved one is trying to leave an abusive relationship, it’s important to remember the person who is hurting you or your loved one is the person who needs to change. However, your abuse may be unable or unwilling to change, The only way to permanently stop domestic violence is for everone to no longer try to control and abuse those they love. This goal will take education our kids and respect their romantic partners by demonstrating respect m healthy relations with our spouses and