Many people think they are safe when they are inside school, which should be the case but sadly it is not. Over forty school shootings have happened within one year. School shootings have been a constant problem for our nation, in order to protect all of us, we need to create a dynamic solution.
So many school shooting incidents occurred on the campuses of K-12 public schools and private schools, as well as colleges and universities. America has been dealing with school shootings since the eighteenth century. The first school shooting occurred on February 2, 1996, in Moses Lake, Washington at Frontier Middle School. Fourteen year old Barry Loukaitis shot and killed two students and a teacher, also wounded one other. Barry was a popular kid and an honor roll student. All of his friends said that he was as nice person until his parents got separated. He was also diagnosed with hyperactive and clinical depression disorder before the crime. One other sad American horror story is the shooting at Sandy Hooks. …show more content…
In some cases the attacker may have suffered from a terrible loss or maybe been bullied. Most times the attackers who were bullied had a set target. Therefore, it was the school’s responsibility to address the bullying situation. Sometimes the problem starts at home and ends up coming to the school. Many of the students who perpetrated these shootings had easy access to guns at home(Analysis of School Shootings, par. 12). Parents should be aware of what is going on in their child’s life and make any firearm in the household inaccessible. In some cases investigators declined to comment on the source of the firearm because the incidents were under active investigation, but in the 24 incidents where the source of the firearm could be determined, 54 percent of the shooter used a gun they obtained from home(Analysis of School Shootings, par.