Choose any scientific or technical subject that lends itself to a feasibility report. In selecting your topic, ask yourself these questions: 1. In what general technical area do my interests lie? 2. How much do I already know about my subject? 3. How much will I have to learn about this subject to do this report? 4. What well-defined problems related to this subject lend themselves to a feasibility report? 5. Is there enough readily available information on this subject? 6. Do I have enough time to do this project?
Your report must be neatly typed and bound (use a binding that lies flat when opened). Plan to use appropriate illustrative material such as charts, graphs, drawings, photos, and tables. This report must be a substantial effort on a worthwhile project. The appendixes, the actual body of the report, should run ten double-spaced typed pages; the other sections should be as long as necessary to fulfill their respective purposes. Include the following elements in the feasibility report:
Letter of transmittal
Title page
Descriptive abstract (placed on the title page)
Table of contents
List of illustrations
Factual summary
Appendixes (discussion that supports the conclusions and recommendations)
Recommendation Report—Sample Assignment 2
With this project, you learn to use the structure and format of a recommendation report, interviewing and reading as research techniques, and you learn to develop conclusions and recommendations from data.
Topics. The topic for the recommendation research is your choice, but consider the following ideas:
Your campus—student retention, funding athletics, placement services, college publications, minority recruitment, utilities management, civic service, student government, student activities, campus conservation.
Your major—employment prospects, feasibility of graduate school,