My topic is Socialism. I know very little about the subject except that it tends to be very flawed and never seems to work.
2. What will I need to learn more about or research further regarding the topic/issue I have chosen?
The first thing I need to learn about is what socialism represents and its ideals. I also need to research articles and journals pointing out the flaws of socialism. Lastly, I will need to research arguments in favor of socialism so that I can get a balanced view of both sides.
3. The audience for my paper is a group of my peers. What will my audience know or not know about this topic/issue?
I am assuming that my peers will know as
much or less than me when it comes to the subject of socialism. I think the safe thing to do is to write my paper as if my peers have no idea what socialism is and what it stands for. So, I will have to explain all this in my paper.
4. What kind of background information will I need to include in my paper so that my audience understands the topic/issue?
I will need include at least a page worth of background knowledge on the topic of socialism. It is a big topic that will require a detailed explanation of the theory and its ideals. I want my readers to have a good grasp of what I’m arguing against. Otherwise, my argument wouldn’t make sense.
5. What position am I taking with respect to my topic/issue? What are my reasons for the position that I am arguing?
I am taking the position that socialism is flawed and inefficient.
My Reasons:
• The failure of Obamacare, a socialist project;
• The fall of Venezuela, a socialist country;
• The collapsing of the welfare state, a socialist idea;
• Socialism leads to tyranny and communism through state power.
6. What kinds of evidence do I need to find to support my position and reasons? (Be specific. What specific types of information from outside sources would help you support your argument?)
I will need examples of failed socialist ideas and ideals, which there are many. I will need evidence of faulty reasoning within socialist theory. Lastly, I will need to refute respected arguments for socialist theory using facts and data.
7. What counter-arguments or opposing viewpoints are there with respect to the position I am arguing? How can I best acknowledge and/or refute them?
I know of only two common arguments for socialism. The first is state-ownership, the belief that the government should own all wealth and should redistribute it throughout the economy. My counter-argument to this is that even the most democratic governments are corrupt to a certain degree. It would be unwise to give a government full control of the economic wealth because how would you be able to regulate the government from doing whatever it wanted with that money. The second argument is the redistribution of wealth to less fortunate individuals. While, I like the idea of help the poor, confiscating productive people’s resources to give to people who do produce anything kills incentives and work ethic.