I. Introduction
a. Company Background
b. Paper Design and Methodology
c. Scope and Delimitation
II. External Analysis
a. Economic Forces
b. Political Forces
c. Socio-Cultural
d. Technological
e. Environmental
f. Competitive Forces
III. Industry Analysis
a. Industry Analysis – Introduction about the industry
b. Marketing Mix 1. Product and Market Share 2. Price 3. Promotion 4. Distribution Channels 5. Customer 6. Target Market 7. Competition 7.a Rivalry among competitors 7.b Potential Entry Among Partners 7.c Potential Development of Substitute Products 7.d Bargaining Power of Supplier 7.e Bargaining Power of Consumer
c. Operation
a. Process
b. Capacity
c. Quality
d. Industry Analysis Ratio
d.1. Growth Ratio
d.2 Total Asset
d.3 Net Sales
d.4 Net Income
d. 5 Earnings per share
e. Industry Trends
f. Problems
IV. Company Analysis ( Internal Analysis)
a. History
b. Management
c. Culture
d. Organizational Structure
e. Human Resources
f. Mission Statement f.1 Analysis of Mission Statement – identifying the nine criteria
g. Strategies – referring to current strategy of the company.
h. Marketing Mix h.1 Product h.2 Price h.3 Place h.4 Promotion h.5 Customer h.6 Competition
i. Operations i.1 Process i.2 Capacity i.3 Quality i.4 Technology i.5 Research
j. Financial Analysis Discussion of Different Accounting Ratios of the company from the latest Financial Statements.
K. Trends
L. Problems
V. Strategy Formulation
A. Input Tools a.1 EFE MATRIX a.2 SPACE MATRIX a.3 CPM Matrix
B. Matching Tools b.1 SWOT Matrix b.2 IFE Matrix b.3 Internal and External Matrix b.4 BCG b.5 Grand strategy
C. Design Stage
VI. Strategy Implementation
a. Recommended Vision
b. Recommended Mission
c. Recommended Revised Objectives a. Strategic Objectives
d. Recommended Strategies a. b. c.
e. Recommended Department
Bibliography: c. Resumes Visit the Thesis Section for the actual paper of the previous students.