Why or why not? 5. You undoubtedly have read about individuals who seemingly have given singled-handed direction to their corporations. Is a participative strategic management approach likely to stifle or suppress the contributions of such individuals? 6. Think about the courses you have taken in functional areas, such as marketing, finance, production, personnel, and accounting. What is the importance of each of these areas to the strategic planning process? 7. Discuss with practicing business managers the strategic management models used in their firms.
What are the similarities and differences between these models and the one in the text? 8. In what ways do you believe the strategic planning approach of not-for-profit organizations would differ from that of profit-oriented organizations? 9. How do you explain the success of firms that do not use a formal strategic planning process? 10. Think about your postgraduation job search as a strategic decision. How would the strategic management model be helpful to you in identifying and securing the most promising