What is the strategic purpose of the organization?
Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Young Designers Emporium, Paul Simon’s vision and strategic purpose of the organisation was to cater to a market that would supply
cutting-edge fashion and lifestyle products at affordable prices yet being easily accessible too. Just like any other business, market research and analysis has to be done. This research concluded that there was a gap in the market for cutting-edge fashion at affordable prices. Once market research is analysed a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis has to be done whereby the organisation has to analyse its internal and external factors. Paul wanted to keep operating costs at a bare minimum to ensure that there isn’t an overflow of stock and that the organisation wouldn’t run at a loss in any way. Their objective is to cater for the unique customer, i.e. size and unique body shape. His objective was to alleviate the weaknesses and build on its strengths that would in turn create business opportunities. He realised that change is constant and that he (YDE) needed to constantly create groundbreaking trends and keep up with consumer demand. With this strategic vision he also wanted to give young designers that had no financial
backing or support an opportunity market their unique and creative inventions. YDE would be the core of supporting local fashion and the New Rising Talent initiative was part of this philosophy.
What customer segment does the organization seek to serve?
YDE’s main objective was to cater to a market that would want to access affordable designer labels and be at the heart of new and groundbreaking trends that would also support local and upcoming young fashion designers. Their target market was between the ages of 16 – 35 years. An
Bibliography: Truworths International. (2011). Retrieved May 2013, from Integrated Annual Report : Alsfine, K., & Temlett, S. (2004). Young Designers Emporium:Growth and the Entrepreneur. Wits: Graduate School of Business Administration - University of Witwatersrand. Campbell, D., Houston, B., & Stonehouse, G. (2002). Business Strategy: An Introduction 2nd Edition. Taylor and Francis. The Young Designers Emporium. (n.d.). Retrieved May 2013, from 4|Page