For decades, Israelis and Palestinians have been fighting over the Gaza Strip. In this novel, Abdel-Fattah does a marvelous job identifying the conflict from the Palestinian point of view. She accurately documents the daily conflicts the family faces. The author makes the importance of family and elders evident throughout the story. When Hayaat leaves her home, she gets a slap across her face by real life. She experiences death, violence, starving children, and many heartbreaking events. The only people that cared about Hayaat was her family. Everyone else looked at her as another corpse, but her family made Hayaat feel loved and cared for. This is more than ever relevant today. None will truly care about you today because everyone has their own issues to deal with. …show more content…
Those who let grief and hatred build up will eat them up. This is an especially true statement for this novel. In the novel, the family loses their home, and relatives due to the Palestine-Isreali Conflict. They must put up with security check points, and curfews every single day by sinister soldiers. Although there are many reasons to be angry with their lives, they maintain composure because there is nothing they can