Stress is the most common concerns which may affects student life. Medical dictionary(2007) defined Stress as in humans is a domino effect from interactions between persons and their environment that are alleged as exceeding their adaptive capacities and affecting their life. Many researches and literature have been discussed the stress among part time student. Also many studies have showed those part time students are affected by several problems or life events which may impact on their psychological status due to stress. Researchers generally agree that a certain degree of stress is an essential part of a human living response to the certain changes in his physical or social environment, and that consider positive influence, as well as negative events can generate stress as well as negative occurrences ( Brougham & Zail, 2009). Work load and learning process may create stressful environment for the part time students. As (Donmez et al.) described that worrying about the future and educational limitations were the most major problems and these allied with anxiety and stress.
According to the student stress survey (SSS) which was used in year 2008 to determine the major sources of stress among student. The participants were 100 students (20 males, 80femaIes) from Midwestern University. The scale consisted of 40 potentially stressful situation of stress that were divided into 4 categories of potential sources of stress, six items interpersonal sources such as a fight with boyfriend or girlfriend or trouble with parents, 16 items intrapersonal sources such as changes in eating or sleeping pattern, eight academic sources such as increased class workload or issues related to collage activities and 10 environmental sources such as computer skill problems. The result of study were (38%) of the stressors were interpersonal, (28%) environmental, (19%) interpersonal, and (15%) academic
(Ross& Niebling, 2008).
From this study we can find that stress has