Stress Log & Assignment
1) On july 27, 2011 my mother passed away from colon cancer. From that day on I think I was introduced to stress. Before my mom passed I was a free bird. I was a happy person when
certain problems came my way I was able to brush them off and push them to the side, Loosing my mother had changed me in so many ways emotionally and physically. My stress level was high
I was emotional, I'l get upset easily over small things, and I didn't look happy. At times when I looked in mirror I would look in the mirror i would see an permanent angry look on my face. My mom's
passingI felt worthless, I no longer had any hope for anything. I would question myself and ask " how can I continue life without my mother? She is all i had i'm nothing without her." My friends
noticed the change. They would sometimes say I had frozen look on my face as if i were staring into space. During that stressful time I was in a relationship. I became distant, mean, less affectionate as the days
went by I wanted to be alone more and more everyday. I was in such a dark place I forgot that I was in a relationship which caused my partner to end the relationship. My partner understood what
i was going through and wanted to be there for me but the hurt I was putting my ex through was just unbearable. After the break-up I had no emotion I had the mindset if lost my mom I can deal with
loosing someone else.
2) I strongly believe I am a physical responder when it comes to stress. It effects my body and sometimes I don't realize that it stresses my body until later. During the time I was grieving I would experi-
ence massive headaches which were very painful which was scary because I've never experienced headaches that were so painful. Not only did i experience massive headaches but i would also feel
sharp pains in my chest and my heart would beat so fast it felt like my heart was