Directions: COMPLETE each component of this assignment. Bring a hard copy to turn in on Test #2 day. Multiple pages MUST be stapled. Paper clips, dog eared pages, and loose pages aren’t allowed. YOUR INSTRUCTOR CANNOT ACCEPT ASSIGNMENTS THAT HAVE NOT BEEN STAPLED PRIOR TO CLASS TIME!
Purpose: Stress is inevitable. However, we can control how we cope with and effectively manage stress. Stress can negatively impact the entire body, physically and emotionally. Therefore, knowing how to handle this inevitable hindrance to wellness is valuable. For this lab you will try out using physical activity or exercise to cope with stress. We hope you will use this opportunity to explore a coping resource that could equip you to manage stress for a lifetime.
1. List various stressors in your life (list at least 3).
School work, relationships, social activities
2. List some of the negative consequences of these stressors (list at least 3 that you have observed).
I don’t have time to do everything I need to do, I dip to relieve stress, I end up stopping everything I was doing and waste time
3. Currently, what are some things you do to cope with stress (good or bad)? List the various things you believe you do to cope with stress. Beside each thing, specify whether it is a good or bad coping strategy.
Take a break and walk around- good
Dip- bad
Not eat- bad
4. What are some coping resources/strategies that appeal to you?
5. What are some ways you might use physical activity or exercise to cope with stress?
Physical activity when dealing with stress is a good thing, when you are stressed and you exercise you release the tension in your body and let it out.
6. Come up with a specific physical activity or exercise that you WILL complete to cope with stress (keep it PG). Write your specific plan below.