Ever heard of the saying “…as stubborn as a mule”?
Who ever invented that I’m sure did not have parents.
I…….have 2!
Do this! Do that!
Not now!
No! No! No!
What I recently discovered, is that people have it all wrong.
It’s not children that are stubborn……but parents.
They just don’t understand the needs and “must haves” of children.
What I do know, is that there are strategies that you can use to control them.
I invented 2.
1. Reverse psychology and
2. My favorite: “Enthusiastic brainwashing”
So let’s start with the traditional “You are not going” scenario.
I discovered, by accident, that I love the:
“Who let the dogs out”
But I want to change it to:
“Please let the kids out”
So one Friday, me and my friends, decided to go to (any mail near school) after school, when my mother’s What’s App hit me!
“You can’t go to (Mall) because you did not clean your room”
Me, (child’s name), made out as a liar!
After I took 5 minutes of my valuable time to do it this morning!
Of course, MY What’s App did the trick.
“Mommy, it feels like you are calling me a liar and do not trust me?”
And that is how reverse psychology is done!
Number 2
Enthusiastic brainwashing
This is mainly used for when you need something.
Enthusiasm, like bird flu, is contagious, and can be used to your advantage.
You can, enthusiastically, force yourself on your mother and express your desire to have some alone time with her.
Once you’re at the mall, mission accomplished.
I want to end with this quote from a very wise woman, ME off course.
“Just as there is no cure for the common flu, there really is no cure for stubborn parents”
So handle