1) What is the issue in this case?
There is a dispute between workers at Disney, SunCal the developer, social & environmental activists from one side “First Group” and Disney Incorporation, Business Groups & Chamber of Commerce on the other side “Second Group”. The first group is in favor of SunCal's development project of affordable housing in the expensive Anaheim area, which is close to Disney Park where the workers work. The second party argues that this area should be preserved and dedicated to touristic projects that support Disney Park and refuse the idea of affordable housing projects for workers near Disney Park.
2) Who are the relevant market and nonmarket stakeholders in this situation?
Market Stakeholders:
- Disney Incorporations
- Workers at Disney Park
- SunCal's – Housing Developer
Non Market Stakeholders:
- Chamber of Commerce
- City Council
- Environmental & Social Activists
- Business Groups in the area
- Government Officials
- Tourists & Visitors of Disney Park
3) What are the various Stakeholders' interests? Please indicate if each stakeholder is in favor of, or opposed to, SunCal's proposed Development.
- Disney Incorporation, Chamber of Commerce & Business Groups: Are against developing affordable housing for its workers near the park & prefers to dedicate the area to touristic purposes such as restaurants & resorts. After all, the resort district produced more than half of Anaheim’s tax revenue (5% of Anaheim's Area) and those parties are interested in the potential revenue from building resorts & hotels in this area instead of affordable housing.
- Disney Workers, Social & Environmental Activists & SunCal: Are in favor of the affordable housing for workers especially that the area is expensive and workers would have to relocate otherwise. Furthermore, having the workers live close to their work place would reduce long commutes which cause air pollution in addition to the fact that