Topic: Student Engagement
I. Activity
The students will be grouped into four. Each group will be given a brown envelope enclosed with jumbled letters. Students will form words out of the jumbled letters and write it on the board.
II. Discussion
Activating Strategies- activate student’s prior knowledge through the use of engaging strategies designed to focus learning. * Carousel Brainstorming- students will rotate around the classroom in small groups, stopping at various station for designated amount of time. * Think-Pair-Share-students will have individual time to think about question related to the topic; they will then pair up with partner to share their thoughts. * Two Minutes Talks- during two minute talks, students will share with a partner by brainstorming everything they already know about a skill, topic, or concept. * Talking Drawing- students will activate prior knowledge by creating a graphic representation of a topic before the lesson. * Possible Sentences- Possible sentences takes what students know of a topic and their familiarity with the English language sentence structure to activate prior knowledge of a topic. * Anticipation/Reaction Guide- students will make predictions based upon prior knowledge and evaluate those predictions after exposure to new information. * The First Word- variation of traditional doing through the process of analysing words creating related sentences. * Walk Around Survey- students are given a topic of study and asked to move around the room for the purpose of conversing with other students. * Three Step Interview- is a cooperative structure that helps students personalize their learning and listen to and appreciate the ideas and thinking of others. * In the Hot Seat- several students will be asked to sit in the “Hot Seat” and answer the questions related to the topic.
Cognitive Strategies - provide