A lot of times students dont know where or how they broke schools policy by using plagiarism or most times dont even know what plagiarism is. Today I will go over a few things with you and why or how plagiarism occurs. Plagiarism is a form of theft that is not where you actually have taken a hard object but where you have taken words, sentences, paragraphs, and in some instances the whole paper. You dont realize it but plagiarism is a serious offense and is a big deal in the academic world and if you was to to do it on the business side of things it would be a even bigger deal because of the things that are copywritten and published by companys. It is very important that you do you own work and to be original with it, not for you personal reasons but for also a academic standpoint. Be aware that if you are just taking one sentence or phrase from something you have researched to make sure you cite it because if you dont that is also another form a plagiarism, the work you are writing down you a presenting as if it is your own work but in reality you have stolen someone else work as your own. When it comes to academic dishonesty it comes in different forms besides just plagiarism, it could also be dealing with taking something from a classmate or even taking a exam for another person an not your own. For future references if you do not know something please dont hesitate to ask questions or just cite everything you are not sure about to avoid a failing grade on your material.