There are several people out there that do not have the chance to get an education due to the fact that they cannot afford it. Thanks to student loans these people now get the opportunity to expand their education and pursue their dream careers. A student loan is a great resource to cover up the costs of obtaining a degree. After investing the time and money into a college education it can actually pay off, but you need to be …show more content…
People could not pay back the debts and it caused a big impact on the economy, especially the young students. The article also states “young people with considerable debt burdens end up delaying life-cycle events such as buying a car, purchasing a home, getting married and having children,” (Touryalai) which is true because they do not think things wisely. Most of the young students probably did not major in a high paying job to help pay off their student loan debt. If the students made a wise choice then they would not be going through the situation they are going through with students loans.
There are many ways that you can get help to finish paying student loans faster. You can sign up for scholarships and financial aid. There are several websites that offers plenty of scholarship applications, for example a really popular one called Fastweb. This website has been a great resource for tons for