the first reasons for recess, is it is a time of social stimulation where they can grow new bonds and connections. Most kids meet their life long or school long friends on play grounds. These friends help to motivate and encourage each another through the years. In the article “The Importance of Recess and Play” they say, “An elementary physical education teacher, suggests that recess can be viewed as an opportunity for students to not only engage in physical activity, but also to learn about and build their character, develop cooperation skills and practice social interactions” (Agostino and Illingworth). Kids are getting physical activity as well as growing social skills. The kids are better able to manage stress and thus allowing the kid to just be a kid. Think about all the children that do not have access to yards or are shut up in their rooms because of parent’s low income and inattentiveness. These children need a time of free social interaction where they can build relationships with all kinds of people through similar interest. Recess is that time. Another reason students need recess is they need a break. If you over use the muscles in the brain they will start to function much more poorly. It is the same when adults put too much on their agenda and they over work, they are fried after. You have to have that time to rebuild yourself. Recess is the time for rebuilding. No thought of school, just care free fun. The American Heart Association wrote an article saying the benefits of recess for the brain and how it helps to refresh for the rest of the day. “Recess represents an essential, planned respite from rigorous cognitive tasks; [therefore], it affords a time to rest, play, imagine, think, move, and socialize. It also helps kids reset their brains for the remainder of the day” (American Heart Association News). The kids need to reset their brains so they can take in more information more effectively. The brain is as delicate as are our children and we must protect their minds as well as their health. Last reason, but one I find the most important, is the child’s health physically.
We have more children growing up today with disabilities and diseases caused by poor health and exercise then we have ever had before. The percent of kids that are overweight or unhealthy compared to 30 years ago has more than tripled in all ages. “The prevalence of obesity in children ages 2-5 increased from 4.8 percent in 1971-74 to 12.1 percent in 2009-2010. For 6–11 year old children, the prevalence of obesity increased from 4.0 percent in 1971–74 to 18.0 percent in 2009–10. The prevalence of overweight in adolescents ages 12–19 increased from 6.1 percent to 18.4 percent” (American Heart Association). Children have been given less time to exercise and more excuses to be inside in front of technology. Then CNN did a study to show how much recess improves kid’s active levels. “A study by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation found that 42% of the nation's schoolchildren get most of their total daily exercise at recess -- more than do so in P.E. or after-school programs” (Denene Millner). We can’t rely on kids going outside at home because we don’t know their situation. We can rely on P.E, it is too structured to allow refreshing and social activity. We have to have recess for the future health of our
children. Our children are so important and the idea that our schools don’t see that is a scary thought. Recess has been a way to allow our kids to connect with others socially, build new bonds through similar interest, exercise, and refresh after sitting in a stuff classroom for so long. We need recess so that our children can fully develop and stay healthy physically and mentally. Our children need to know we care and on top of that the fresh air will do teachers and students some good. It is time to get outside and have recess.