1. Introduction 3
2. Key literature review 3
3. Methodology 5
4. Presentation of findings 7
4.1. Quantitative data 7
4.2. Qualitative data 12
5. Data analysis 14
5.1. Perception of NTU’s Master Students towards sport and fitness 14
5.2. Do NTU Master Students maintain their health by participating in sport and physical activities? 15
6. Reflections on the Collection and Utilisation of Data 17
6.1. Reflective Observation 18
6.1.1. Collection Data 18
6.1.2. Utilisation of Data 19
6.2. Abstract Conceptualisation 20
6.3. Active Experimentation 20
7. Conclusion 21
References 22
Appendices 24
1. Introduction
Nowadays, Sport and Fitness is becoming more and more important in life of every people all over the world. According to Euro barometer (2010), it is because people are being aware of the vital of doing sport and physical activity to improving health both in physical and mental. However, due to the lack of information in connection with university student in the UK, this report investigates the perception and action of students towards sport and fitness of students in Nottingham Trent University (NTU). The data which is utilised in this study was acquired through quantitative and qualitative research. Questionnaire and interview are respectively conducted on 50 and 10 NTU’s Management Master Students of September course of the academic year 2011/2012. The respond rate is 100% for both types of researches.
2. Key literature review
There are numerous studies of sport and fitness which illustrating vast benefits of sport participant. Sport and PA are constituents of enhancing health and enriching the social interconnection to support a meaningful life to people all over the world (GRANT, 2001; COLLINS and KAY, 2003:28; RENFROW et al, 2011). Nevertheless, International Olympic Committee (2011) emphasised the risk of insufficient sport and physical activities (PA) in adolescents which lead negative affect to health
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