Evaluation is a process of determining the subject that had been taken and to be enrolled by the students. It’s important because its tracks and monitor the students subject and grade. Evaluator helps the students through advising what subject to be taking. A student who has taken higher subjects but failed or who has not taken the pre-requisite subjects has to re-enroll the subjects.
The University is not obliged to offer subjects for students who failed to follow the curriculum or who failed in their subjects. Students should follow the subject recommended by the evaluator. Students are advised to check with evaluating staff regarding discrepancies of grades in their records such as F and INC. These grades become final and cannot be changed once reported to Registrar 1 year after the last day of the semester it takes.
Student evaluation is a part of the university’s enrollment process.
During enrollment, students fall into a long line to obtain their subjects from their respective evaluator. The evaluator evaluates the students on what subjects they can take in the semester by checking the students’ grade from previous academic year. If they passed the subjects they are allowed to take the prerequisite of the subjects if not they discuss options with the adviser. The proponents observed that the primary part of the evaluation which is grade checking is done manually. The evaluator manually input the grades in prospectus record which the proponents also observed a not so reliable file keeping. After the grades are recorded and confirmed the evaluator manually put a check to all the subjects a student is allowed to take. Then she advises the student what subjects to take. Then CS students specifically has to write down their respective subjects and schedule on ACAS form and hand it back to the evaluator in the CAS faculty office to be signed. After it is signed the student has to take it back to the Registrar to be