With wanting more in life it is not free. Teenagers start to get part time jobs that they go to after school and or on the weekends. Getting a job at this age for students is very useful. It teaches kids to be responsible and gets them use to the working environments before they step out into the real world. With a full day of schooling, getting a job can have a major impact on how a student can handle stress. Often times teenagers do not realize that they are falling behind. Parents are usually stuck with the decision about what is best for their child's health and education. With a Cincinnati Post Staff report they state that "with employers desperately seeking kids to work after school and on weekends, students and their parents are often faced with difficult decisions about school and work". Having a job is a rewarding feeling. Schools should allow students that work after school a set balance of homework that can be tolerated, and not overloaded for that student. Students would then know beforehand how to manage their time and keep track of their school work and would be able to keep up while still having a job. Overall, having a job is a privilege. With having regulations for the amount of school work they get, it could help teenagers apply themselves better at their schooling as well as their
With wanting more in life it is not free. Teenagers start to get part time jobs that they go to after school and or on the weekends. Getting a job at this age for students is very useful. It teaches kids to be responsible and gets them use to the working environments before they step out into the real world. With a full day of schooling, getting a job can have a major impact on how a student can handle stress. Often times teenagers do not realize that they are falling behind. Parents are usually stuck with the decision about what is best for their child's health and education. With a Cincinnati Post Staff report they state that "with employers desperately seeking kids to work after school and on weekends, students and their parents are often faced with difficult decisions about school and work". Having a job is a rewarding feeling. Schools should allow students that work after school a set balance of homework that can be tolerated, and not overloaded for that student. Students would then know beforehand how to manage their time and keep track of their school work and would be able to keep up while still having a job. Overall, having a job is a privilege. With having regulations for the amount of school work they get, it could help teenagers apply themselves better at their schooling as well as their