1546 words
1546 words
To what extent did the psychological tactics of the British help to end the Malayan Emergency, from the period of 1948-1958?
To what extent did the psychological tactics of the British help to end the Malayan Emergency, from the period of 1948-1958?
Image from: http://www.nzhistory.net.nz/media/photo/malayan-emergency-map
Image from: http://www.nzhistory.net.nz/media/photo/malayan-emergency-map
Plan of the investigation
The Malayan Emergency (1948-1960), was a period of guerrilla warfare between Commonwealth forces and the Malayan National Liberation Army (MNLA). The purpose of this paper is to investigate the role of the psychological tactic deployed by the British, in helping prevent the communist insurrection in Malaya. Through this investigation, I hope to validate the hypothesis that the “hearts and minds” tactic was indeed a major factor in the failure of the communist insurrection, by utilizing historical evidence and articles from books and other sources.
Summary of Evidence The Malayan Emergency was considered to have been caused by poor economic conditions, when Malaya was left in ruins after the Japanese Occupation. The poor conditions resulted in strikes, nationalism started to stir in Malaya, and the seeds of rebellion were sown. The Malayan Government eventually called for a discussion of terms with the MCP, in 1955, which fell through. The Emergency was only declared to be over in 31 July 1960, when Chin Peng fled from south Thailand to Beijing. Several factors contributed to the failure of the communist insurrection. Psychological tactics involved relocating the people to better areas and trying to satisfy them. The British had a strong military, allowing them to station guards around the villages, keeping people in and communists out. The economic boom in Malaya allowed for an improvement in the economy, more jobs and higher salaries, due to a need for raw materials, like
Bibliography: Stubbs, R. (1989). Hearts and Minds in Guerrilla Warfare: The Malayan Emergency 1946 – 1960. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Dugdale-Pointon, T. (2007, August 26). The Malayan Emergency (1947-1960). Retrieved July 18, 2010, from Military History Encyclopedia: http://www.historyofwar.org/articles/wars_malaya.html Hamby, J Paul, J., & Spirit, M. (2008). Malaya 1948 - 1960. Retrieved July 20, 2010, from Britain’s Small War: http://www.britains-smallwars.com/malaya/malayan1.html War History, Malayan Emergency 1950-1960 Dugdale-Pointon, T. (2007, August 26). The Malayan Emergency (1947-1960). Retrieved July 18, 2010, from Military History Encyclopedia: http://www.historyofwar.org/articles/wars_malaya.html [ 3 ] [ 5 ]. Hamby, J. E. (2002, September). Civil-military operations: joint doctrine and the Malayan Emergency. Retrieved July 18, 2010, from BNET - The CBS Interactive Business Network, [ 7 ]. Stubbs, R. (1989). Hearts and Minds in Guerrilla Warfare: The Malayan Emergency 1946 – 1960. Oxford: Oxford University Press, page 104 [ 8 ] [ 11 ]. Stubbs, R. (1989). Hearts and Minds in Guerrilla Warfare: The Malayan Emergency 1946 – 1960. Oxford: Oxford University Press, page 101 [ 12 ]