Study on the Impacts of Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction on
Customer Loyalty in B2C E-commerce
Yangcheng Hu
Department of Management Engineering
Nanchang Institute of Technology
Nanchang, China Although, a number of studies have documented the relationship between service quality, satisfaction and loyalty in traditional service industries and e-commerce settings, theoretical foundations as well as empirical confirmations are lacking (Kassim and Ismail, 2009). The present study deals with the question of how service quality and customer satisfaction influence loyalty in e-commerce. We first review the relevant literature leading to our research hypotheses.
This is followed by discussions of the research method and results of the empirical study conducted in a city of China.
We conclude the paper with the implications of the findings and give some suggestions for future research.
Abstract—In e-commerce, loyal customers are considered extremely valuable. However, little attention has been given in the literature to understand customer loyalty and its antecedents especially in e-commerce settings. The present study empirically investigates the impacts of service quality, customer satisfaction on customer loyalty in a B2C ecommerce context. Factor analysis and structural equation modeling (SEM) are conducted based on a sample from undergraduate student respondents. Results indicate that, although the direct effect of service quality on customer loyalty is significant, the indirect effect (with customer satisfaction playing a mediating role) is a stronger driver for customer loyalty. E-commerce managers are recommended to devise operations and marketing strategies that focus on service quality dimensions in order to enhance customer satisfaction and, in turn, foster loyalty. The present study focuses only on the B2C