By Putri Ayu Diah Chandra Puspita
PMM Case Study 27th August 2011 Word count: 1,990 (excluding bibliography)
Table of Contents 1. Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. Introduction – importance of customer loyalty to a company.......................... 3 Analysis for operations management of Supershuttle ....................................... 4 Data and information needed to support management decision for Supershuttle operations management ................................................................. 6 4. 5. Managing operational finance ............................................................................. 8 Conclusion ............................................................................................................. 8
Bibliography ............................................................................................................... 10
Case Study: Supershuttle New York (Blue Van)
1. Introduction – importance of customer loyalty to a company Customer loyalty is an important thing to be considered by every organization because it can affect the performance of a company, directly or indirectly, and within short-term as well as long-term period. According to Castledine (2011), loyal customers generate more profits and it is also six times cheaper to retain an existing customer rather than winning a new one. Customer loyalty can be obtained by delivering value that creates customer satisfaction. Value is closely related with the ratio between cost and benefit to the customer (Castledine, 2011). Customer satisfaction is created when their experience or perceived performance meets their expectations (Castledine, 2011). A company should strive not only to achieve customer satisfaction one at a time, but also try to make a consistent creation of it. In the context of service industry, the challenge of making consistent customer satisfaction is bigger than the challenge faced by
Bibliography: Boddy, D. (2005). Management: an Introduction, Harlow: Financial Times / Prentice Hall Castledine, P. (2011). Lecture Notes for PreMasters in Management Programme: Managing Relationship. Glasgow: University of Glasgow EFL Unit. Southern, G. (2001). Operations Management, in L Moutinho (eds) Strategic Management in Tourism, OXON: UK CABI Publishing, 211-238 Wilson, J. (2011). Lecture Notes for PreMasters in Management Programme: Operational Financial Management. Glasgow: University of Glasgow EFL Unit. Zeithaml, et al. (1990). Delivering Quality Service; Balancing Customer Perceptions and Expectations in SERVQUAL (, accessed 21/08/11