B1. Physical Science CHEM or PHYS
B3. Laboratory Experience BIO, CHEM, OR PHYS
C3. Explorations in the Arts or Humanities PHIL 314 Medical Ethics 3
C4. Origins of World Civilization HIST 110A World Civilizations to the 16th Century 3
D3. American History, Institutions and Values HIST 170A United States to 1877 3
D4. American Government POSC 100 American Government 3
D5. Explorations in Social Sciences PSYC 341 Abnormal Psychology 3
E. Lifelong Learning and Self Development PSYC 361 Developmental Psychology 3
Z. Cultural Diversity Requirement ANTH/WMST 316 Anthropology of Sex and Gender 3
Major Prerequisite Course KNES 210 Human Anatomy and Physiology 3 Major Prerequisite Course KNES 112A Beginning Surfing 1 Major Prerequisite Course KNES 145 Cardio Kick-Boxing 1 Major Prerequisite Course KNES 131A Beginning Tennis 1 Major Prerequisite Course KNES 164B Intermediate Volleyball 1 Major Foundation Course KNES 260 Movement Anatomy 3 Major Foundation Course KNES 349 Measurements and Statistics in Kinesiology 3 Major Disciplinary Core Course KNES 300 Principles of Human Movement 3 Major Disciplinary Core Course KNES 348 Physiology of Exercise 3 Major Disciplinary Core Course KNES 371 Human Motor Control and Learning 3 Major Disciplinary Core Course KNES 380 History and Philosophy of Human Movement 3 Major Disciplinary Core Course KNES 381 Sports, Games and Culture 3 Major Disciplinary Core Course KNES 383 Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity 3
Major Focus Area – Pre-Allied BIO 361 Human Anatomy 4
Major Focus Area –