A major health problem in the United States is substance abuse. Substance abuse is the misuse of, illegal drugs, alcohol, inhalants prescription drugs, and other substances that change how the mind and body work. Drugs that are most commonly abused are alcohol, nicotine, marijuana, amphetamines, barbiturates, cocaine, opium alkaloids, and synthetic opioid. These drugs are either excessively used or not used for its intended purpose. Substance abuse transcends economic, racial, age and gender lines. (Monroe, Pearson, Kenaga 2008). The National institute of Drug Abuse states that roughly 10 percent of the U.S populations are drug abusers. Individuals who engage in substance abuse not only affect their own lives but, have a major effect on and the lives of family of loved ones. Substance abuse contributes to accidents, crime, violence within the family, and lost productivity at work. Substance abuse also has effects on one’s health. Substance abuse can lead respiratory problems such emphysema, asthma. Neurologic problems such as memory loss, hallucinations, delusions, depression and brain damage. Heart problems include abnormal heartbeat, and heart …show more content…
It is estimated that approximately 10% to 15% of all healthcare professionals will abuse some form of drug at some time during their career. (Oldenburg 2010).Substance abuse amoung medical proffesionals have been reported and studied by the American Medical Association, American Nurses Association since the early seventies (Tariman, 2007). Even though the rates of substance abuse parallel the general public, the statistics are alarming given that the public in trust these same professionals with their well-being and their lives every day. Healthcare professionals have higher rates of abuse with depressants and opiates. Certain medical specialties have higher rates of drug