• Title of documentary
Suburban America: Problems and Promises
• Intended audience
This documentary was intended to for a republican party based audience. The documentary was clearly expressing concerns of people who would identify more as democratic, liberal and independent.
2: Explain the purpose of the documentary
• What is the purpose of the documentary?
The purpose of the documentary is to reflect on on the repercussion of suburbs and city living. In addition to how suburbs and city communities have a hard time integrating and expanding based on the citizen’s health, educational opportunities or standards and the infrastructures of these increasingly developed communities. The movie expresses to the …show more content…
There is this big divide of class within my community where the fortunate are unwilling to adapt and create a living environment will create more local jobs and make our city a place where we all can prosper. For example, my city has built housing specifically for low income families along our public transit areas and the light rail. This light rain is crucial for my county because it connects to four different inland cities and has the ability to connect to another train system that will take you along the cities in San Diego County. Even though people may need to take a bus from the train to their job, it still allows our community more employment options. I think economic hardships would be higher if my county did not have these light rail transit options available to the community near housing that is affordable. I live more in the congested suburb area and I can understand what the documentary message. The city is trying to manage and create an infrastructure that can support and most importantly provide for the growing local community. Part of the problem is the individuals who want to live in the past are what is preventing us from making the changes to create a system that isn’t just going to work presently, but also support the growing communities as we move forward into the