Liberty University-BUSI-501
Tawanda Diaz
Dr. Alen Badal
In this literature review the author discusses why building teamwork and trust is important in the workplace, what trust is, groups versus individual, perception of team members, motivation and usage of rewards to motivate employees, and deviant behavior in the workplace. The author goes on to discusses how each concept relates to each other and gives a resolution to building teamwork and trust within a team, while taking proper precautions so that deviant behavior does not form.
Building teamwork and trust are big issues in today's business world. The absence of trust makes it very hard , if not impossible to have an effective and productive working relationship (Castro, 1994). This is why trust is very critical to a business success. Research suggests that teams have been used only for special assignment in the past. Teamwork involves trust from all levels of employment, whether it involves an employee, manager, or CEO each individual working within the organization must trust one another. Teamwork has become a critical component for a business success and survival (Becton, Wysocki, and Kepner, 2009). More now than ever, businesses have begun to realize that the success of a project is often through the development of the teams.
Building Teamwork and Trust Is Important In The Workplace
There are many reasons that highlight the importance of teamwork in the workplace. With suitable teamwork it is possible to decrease the amount of work that usually becomes one individual’s headache. Sharing the workload means there is more focus on less things and the possibility of getting an assignment done earlier than expected. Teamwork also has been known to help with reducing an individual’s stress level. It is important that every employee feel that they are apart of the group. Team building among team members can go far in
References: Pace, A. (2010). Distrust Can Be Costly. T+D (1535-7740) Vol.64, (10) p.14 Sani, R. (2009) Building trust, driving results Retrieved From This article examines the importance of trust, how to build trust, and the benefits of establishing trust Tatum, E.(2009).Teamwork: Together we are stronger. New York Amsterdam News (1059-1818) Vol.100 (32) p.12-12 The author reflects on the importance of teamwork and how it key to overcoming crisis in America