6. Here this mistake is discussed about the inconsistent or vague definition of the RST Company. Their main problem is their high potential employees were not performing well as the company need from them. Actually the employees were not high potential. They had 360 degree assessment process but it was optional and the definition of high quality leadership in the company was at best, vague. The company should a 360 degree leadership competencies and a clear tight definition for potential employees.
7. The UVW company neglect individual development plans for that reason the bench strength depth of the bench and readiness was actually not where it needed to be. Also their individual development planning was optional. So the company can solve their problem by creating an individual development plan (IDP) process this process have a formal annual review and include formal training programs. By following these steps I think within two years bench strength and readiness will improved.
8. The succession planning should be an essential part of a company’s business planning cycle and the elements of those planning process should be repeated on a regular basis. The XYZ Company has no sustainable succession plan. If they reinforce the work they can arrange a formal meeting and also can arrange a short meeting six months after the formal meeting. This process