First, ethnic segregation was a problem for the workers. For example, the immigrant workers were paid differently, depending on their race. …show more content…
As you can tell, the pay scale was different for all races. They were even charged for passage, food, clothing and housing. They couldn’t save money because everything they earned was used to pay for their expenses. Another reason that ethnic segregation was a problem was that there was a hierarchy. The higher class was treated better than the other workers. “And the contract labor system, which remained in effect until after annexation, amounted to forced labor under brutal plantation overseers, or lunas. The lunas and camp policemen were mostly Portuguese and Hawaiian. The worst jobs were given to the Asians.” This evidence is from “Plantation life” article. This concluded that this problem was a really serious punishment for people that are in a lower class and treated unfairly, what they should do is to treat all races fairly to make the workers feel comfortable working. Some people might think that ethnic segregation is not always atrocious …show more content…
For example, workers lived in different houses depends on their married statues, they also had small houses to lived in and they don’t have privacy. "Their new homes were on parched fields with little shade, surrounded by acres and acres of sugarcane that needed to be stripped and cut by hand. Conditions were crowded. Often, two couples would share a 10-foot-square room that had a kitchen and a homemade stove.” This evidence is from “Plantations life” article. This concluded the living conditions were really crowded, and they shared houses with others and they don’t have any privacy. Another reason is there was a lot of people lived in a house, diseases might also spread around. However, there is a rule mentioned that “A separate lodging house will be provided for those whose sickness or inability to labor shall last over 24 hours and all persons on the sick or disabled list are required to submit to such treatment and obey such directs as are given by the medical attendant and manager.” This evidence is from “Hawai’i Sugar Plantations Reading Folder” (Rules designed to govern plantation life and labor #9) This rule conclude if workers got sick from others, they would had to live in a separate house that prevent others from getting sick and they still can’t get a absence from work even they have a disease that might spread to sugar cane and workers. Many luna wanted workers to work on the plantations so the company