The broad significance of the research is to identify and correlate the human body’s pattern of fluctuation of glucose and insulin, to the sugar content in the food we eat and drink.
We are trying to prove that when we consume “sugary” drinks or foods, that our blood glucose levels rise sharply, and slowly our body will start absorbing that glucose into our tissues through the aid of insulin, and blood glucose levels will again lower to normal levels. In our case we used soda, and diet soda to determine the effect sugar has on the body.
We are also trying to find out how long the human body takes to go through this cycle of hyperglycemic to hypoglycemic blood and see exactly the rate our blood sugar reacts to the sugar in the …show more content…
Methods: The specific experiment used to test our hypothesis was that we used regular soda and used diet soda as a control, to test the difference in increase in blood sugar levels, and the difference how blood glucose levels change over time, between a non-sugar filled drink and a sugar filled drink, In order to prove the correlation of sugar and blood glucose levels. First each person used a blood sugar monitor and tested their initial blood sugar before ingestion of anything, recording data, while also not ingesting anything besides water for three hours prior to the experiment.
Next each person was given a full cup of either regular soda or diet soda and told to drink it very quickly(under 5 minutes). No one participating in the experiment knew which soda they were drinking besides the professor.
Then each person tested their blood sugar levels either every half hour or hour for a time span of 90min or 120min depending on which group the person was placed …show more content…
The data that we received from this experiment supports the hypothesis that we had in the beginning of the lab, due to we being able to conclude that ingestion of a “sugary” drink i.e. regular soda raised blood glucose levels by a significant amount while ingestion of a “non-sugary” drink i.e. diet soda mode very little to no difference in blood glucose levels. This conclusion is shared by many other published results, and all say that foods with high amounts of sugar or carbohydrates will cause high blood glucose levels.
This conclusion contributes to the broader understanding of blood glucose levels by giving us an understanding of the pattern of rising and falling glucose levels and how our body maintains the balance of this, and by what factors, time and sugar content, effects the outcome of the data that we were