work. Whatever arrangements are made in a particular school, the statutory duties remain with the governing body.
-The governing body appoint a committee or if not, must appoint an individual governor to take particular interest in and closely monitor the school’s work on behalf of the children with special educational needs.
-The headteacher has the responsibility for the management of all aspects of the school’s work including provision for children with special educational needs. He or she will keep the governing body fully informed. At the same time, the headteacher will work closely with the school’s SENCO and be responsible for co-ordinating provision for the pupils with SEN particularly at School Action and School Action plus levels. -The special needs co-ordinator (SENCO) works closely with other school staff and has responsibility for the day-to-day operation of the school’s SEN policy. They coordinate provision for pupils at the School Action and School Action plus levels, together with provision for any child in the school who may have a statement of …show more content…
-All teaching and support staff should be involved in the development of the school’s SEN policy and be fully aware of the school’s procedures for identifying, assessing and providing for pupils with SEN. Schools have the following statutory duties: -To admit pupils to the school within the admissions policy of the Local Authority regardless of the child’s special educational needs. -To draw up and implement a school policy for special educational needs -To monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the SEN provision made and to report annually to parents on this.
-To have regard to the Code of Practice on the identification and assessment of Special Educational Needs -To ensure that all staff in schools know the importance of identifying pupils with SEN and providing for them -To make every effort to identify and meet the needs of SEN pupils -To make sure that all teachers know which pupils in their classes have SEN and how to provide for them.
-To ensure that where a child has SEN of any sort parents are fully informed and involved in planning, provision and review of these needs. -To ensure that children receive their entitlement to a broad, balanced and accessible curriculum matched to need. -To inform the LA about all pupils who may need a statement of SEN -To ensure that pupils with SEN can appropriately access all the activities of the school for their age. -To ensure that any provision named in a child’s statement of SEN is made. In order to fulfill these duties, governing bodies will need to identify the funding to be made available for making SEN provision at a school level. They should also consider, when recruiting new staff, the need for appropriate skills and attitudes with regard to the identification and assessment of pupils with SEN and in making suitable provision for
The Arrangements For Identifying Pupils With Special Educational Needs
School age children: This chart summarises the levels in the identification and assessment of school age pupils with SEN. It also shows how provision is made at each and the key responsibilities. Level Identification & Assessment Provision Individual targets set School The class teacher is supported by the and provided for Action* Special needs co-ordinator (SENCO) within the who collects relevant information, ensures school’s resources targets are set, ensures child’s parents are involved, monitors and reviews child’s progress, informs headteacher School Action Plus* SENCO co-ordinates internal (school) and external providers, including other agencies SENCO keeps headteacher informed, draws on advice from those outside school, ensures child and parents are involved, ensures targets are set and with those outside the school, monitors and reviews the child’s progress School or parents refer for statutory assessment LA 1. considers whether an assessment of the child’s SEN is necessary 2. if so, conducts that assessment School Action Plus with a statement of SEN LA 1. decide whether to issue a statement (or note in lieu) 2. if so, determine, monitor and review provision Individual targets set and supported by advice and in some cases, external support to interventions.
Statutory Assessment
SENCO co-ordinates internal and external school providers Individual targets set as at school action plus
SENCO or teacher in a special school or resource Individual targets set as at school action plus but based on objectives in the statement