Why Ranch Market choose Jakarta city to built the business, specifickly at Kebon Jeruk and pondok indah.. ?
According to Philip Kotler & Kevin Keller, author of book ‘Marketing management’ (Kotler & Keller, edition 14e, chapter 8), Geographic segmentation divides the market by nations, states, regions, counties, cities, or neighborhoods.
Separation of geographic areas into marketing / advertising areas. Occurs after analyzing collected information in the physical location of the customer or other data source. Companies marketing products and services want to know where their products sell well and poorly to adjust advertising and sales efforts according to planned tactics and strategy. Also refer to demographic segmentation. (Law Dictionary: http://thelawdictionary.org/geographic-segmentation/#ixzz2e5J2KE00)
DKI Jakarta was a Capital state republic of Indonesia, It is a developed country that grow very fast, many foreign company made an investment in this city, technology, trend, fashion, entertainment and other were very quick movement in Jakarta. The evidence from this good from this good movement economic was the foreign company came in this city and makes an investment so the impact was many people from outside Jakarta came and worked in this city as well as the investment they made.
Based on Statistic populations in Jakarta in year 2000 reached 8,3 million people, whereas in 2002 the number population in jakarta reached 8,5 million.
Population DKI Jakarta
Central Jakarta 924.332 347 924.679
North Jakarta 1.422.328 510 1.422.838
West Jakarta 1.634.996 649 1.635.645
South Jakarta 1.894.229 660 1.894.889
East Jakarta 2.623.063 219 2.632.288
Source : http://www.kependudukancapil.go.id, Case Study Binus ‘99 ranch Market’, p. 13.
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