Summarize what you have learned about psychosocial development through these observations/interviews. Bedetailed through give examples and references
Psychosocial behaviors vary from one individual to another. For the simple reason that an individual experienced certain status within a stage does not mean that their siblings or friends will automatically experience the same difficulty. People are unique and display different status in each stage according to their personality and developmental pattern. For example, a child of eight years may have difficulties in reading or writing while everybody else in the same class of the same age enjoys reading and writing (McLeod, …show more content…
He emphasizes the role of culture and society and the conflicts that arose in each stage of development. Through the development, one develops his/her personality as they successfully resolve crises that are distinctly social in nature. Erikson puts emphasis on adolescent period because he feels that it is the integral stage that is crucial for developing a person’s identity. Just like Freud, Erikson had a strong believe that through one’s lifespan, personality develops in a systematic manner and builds on the previous stage (Erikson, 1950). Most important, success in one stage built the confidence in a person to face the next stage while failure in a stage results to stagnation and in old age despair (Abbott, …show more content…
First, both theorists are different in that Freud theory of development is based on psychosexual development while Erikson’s theory is based on psychosocial development. Freud believed that people’s development is solely based on sexuality while Erikson on the other hand highlighted the importance e of social experience/ impact on personality development. Secondly, Freud believed that the outcome of stages can be carried out throughout the lifetime of that individual if the individual was fixated on a particular stage. On the contrary, Erikson believes that the outcome of a particular stage is not permanent and an individual has a chance to change these outcomes by later experiences. Lastly, the difference between the two theorists is that whereas Freud has his stages starting from birth to eighteen years, Erikson’s stages of development starts from Birth to Death (Adams et al, 1996). On the similarity, just like Freud, Erikson believes that personality develops in systematic stages. Furthermore, both theorists believe that much of a person’s development occurs during the early stages of life. Moreover, they believe that human development occurs in a gradual process and development is primarily an unconscious growth. Finally, they concur that for one to move to the next stage, they should be able to resolve a conflict associated with that stage. Other theorists borrow