Crystal G. Perez
HRM 531
April 26, 2015
Lisa Stalford
Employment Law Compliance Plan of Bollman Hotels
Crystal G. Perez
HRM/531- Human Capital Management
Lisa Stalford
To: Mr. Galvan, Manager
From: Crystal G. Perez
Date: April 30, 2015
Subject: Employment Law Compliance Plan – Bollman Hotels
I have prepared an employment law compliance for the human resource representative for Bollman Hotels for Mr. Galvan. His office is located in Minneapolis, Minnesota with twenty-nine thousand employees. Bollman hotels chain is currently in hopes to expand to the international market. They plan to increase their workforce by twenty-five …show more content…
This act gives a fixing wage rate for time, piece, guaranteed time, and over time. This Act pronounced a minimum wage that employers had to deal with the lowest hourly, daily, or monthly remuneration that they would legally give to their employees. Minimum wage will pay for the physical things, education, health, and groceries. The minimum wage gives employers a guideline as to what the legal minimum amount to be paid to workmen. For example, organization’s overtime wages are twice the minimum rates for every hour in excess the normal working hours. This act has two secured levels under the minimum wages act and the central government controls the power the fix and revise minimum wages (Kachwaha, 2015). If a company is noncompliance, they may face fine, imprisonment, and payment to the employee. The fine is five hundred Rupees and six months in prison (Deli, …show more content…
Bollman hotels intends to stretch to India. This memorandum addresses the four issues that would affect the human resource department. The four issues are 1) Industrial Employment Act of 1946 (Standing Orders), 2) Minimum Wage Act of 1948, 3) Delhi Shops and Establishments Act of 1954, and 4) the Child Labor Act of 1986 (Prohibition and Regulation). I have addressed all these issues effectively and addressed their noncompliance to employers.
Delhi, G. o. (2015, April 26). Labour Department. Retrieved from The Delhi Shops Act 1954:,+1954/
Deli, I. G. (1983, April 26). The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Central Rules. Retrieved from The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Central Rules:
Kachwaha, S. (2015, April 26). India: Doing Business in India - A Legal Overview. Retrieved from Mondaq: