With the help of both Supported Employment and Social Skills Training and case management from my agency, this individual has flourished. He has managed to maintain his current job for over 2 years, the longest job he has ever hand. According to Becker & Kosters (2012), the difference between traditional rehabilitation services and supported employment varied greatly, “SE was twice as effective as vocational services (54.5 vs. 27.6%) in terms of job integration on the competitive labour market” (Becker & Koster, 2012, p. 73). This individual is assigned a supported employment coach that is designated a certain amount of hours per month, that goes out to the worksite, to see if he is working on his goals. The coach also with permission from client checks in with the supervisor to see how his work performance has been lately, that way they know if his goals need to be adjusted to be reflective of what he needs to work on. This writer checks on the appropriateness of the hours as well as does case management to ensure that all other resources continue to be appropriate for the client. Therefore, this client has a wealth of interventions that have been assisting him along the way, and he has also put his part into it. According to, Becker & Koster (2012), “Interventions to integrate people with severe mental illness into …show more content…
He sometimes continues to struggle with being argumentative, this has been incorporated as a goal with supported employment coach and case manager. Although resources are available for people that are the dual diagnosis, such as development disability and mental health, ensured success is dependent on both cognitive level as well as compliance from the client’s end. Individuals with developmental disabilities, that have a Case Manager in Social Services, are more likely to get services and referrals expedited a lot quicker than those that are solely mental health, and have to get referrals elsewhere or through primary care doctor. Therefore, people with mental illness would greatly benefit from having a case manager assigned to their case to advocate, refer, and obtain similar services to ensure