that can be connected to America, she serves as a symbol of the America you should donate to, to feed. The last visual strategies is the use of the words, like I said prior the poster doesn’t outright say “America”, but at the bottom the use of the printed words “U.S. Food Administration” gives this poster legitimacy. Not only should you sign the pledge to help this American woman, but a government agency is also asking you. The use of these visual strategies persuade the viewer to feel empathetic to their country and feel the pressure to live up to their civic duty.
that can be connected to America, she serves as a symbol of the America you should donate to, to feed. The last visual strategies is the use of the words, like I said prior the poster doesn’t outright say “America”, but at the bottom the use of the printed words “U.S. Food Administration” gives this poster legitimacy. Not only should you sign the pledge to help this American woman, but a government agency is also asking you. The use of these visual strategies persuade the viewer to feel empathetic to their country and feel the pressure to live up to their civic duty.