This scene plays a very important scene in the Christmas Carol. Coming to realize his future will be like this without action, Scrooge realized he needs to change his ways. BEfore Scrooge saw this he still wasn’t convinced of the purpose of the previous spirits visits was. By seeing his grave he had come to find the purpose of life isn’t to make money it is to give to others. AFter seeing what the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come has to saw SCrooge becomes a real Philanthropist. He raises his
This scene plays a very important scene in the Christmas Carol. Coming to realize his future will be like this without action, Scrooge realized he needs to change his ways. BEfore Scrooge saw this he still wasn’t convinced of the purpose of the previous spirits visits was. By seeing his grave he had come to find the purpose of life isn’t to make money it is to give to others. AFter seeing what the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come has to saw SCrooge becomes a real Philanthropist. He raises his