There were no clues to the author’s perspective, showing more of their opinion of the presidential candidates. However, there was a large amount of bias, showing the author’s distaste of the Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump. One example would be “Trump does deserve kudos for giving lucky children rides in a helicopter, but Willy Wonka-like behavior does not a world leader make.” The author rarely talks about Hilary Clinton, only stating that she held a news
There were no clues to the author’s perspective, showing more of their opinion of the presidential candidates. However, there was a large amount of bias, showing the author’s distaste of the Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump. One example would be “Trump does deserve kudos for giving lucky children rides in a helicopter, but Willy Wonka-like behavior does not a world leader make.” The author rarely talks about Hilary Clinton, only stating that she held a news