5. What comfort is Bradstreet giving to her children by saying: "In chirping languages oft them tell You had a Dame that lov'd you well, That did what could be done for young And nurst you up till you were strong"…
When Bradstreet writes, “I blest His name that gave and took . . .” she implies that —…
Bradstreet’s poem was soft and personal. It would seem that she was contemplating the likelihood of her dying while giving birth. The poem was addressed to her husband, which makes since as if she were to die, she would want him to know her final words and not to mention he would be raising the child alone. Being that Bradstreet gave birth to eight children, it is very likely that she feared her own death during each and every one of her deliveries.…
Bradstreet uses motherly language and words with a protective connotation in describing her “child” in order to reveal the speaker’s admiration and hopes for him or her. Though the speaker describes her child in the poem as “ill-formed,” suggesting that the child is defective, she comments that the child “did’st by my side remain,” indicating that she appreciates the child and does not disown it, regardless of its flaws. When describing the revealing of the child to the world, Bradstreet uses the word “snatched,” suggesting that the child was “exposed to public view” without the speaker’s wanting this. In describing how the mother holds her child by her side and suggesting that she resents its being “exposed,” Bradstreet depicts the love with which a writer holds his or…
However, her identity has largely been associated with her family, of whom she wrote about in a majority of her works. It is argued in sections of the article that Bradstreet wrote about the deaths of family members, fear of childbirth, and love poems to her husband and domestic crises such as the burning of her house (Kopacz). Although many of Bradstreet’s earlier writing were overlooked in…
5. What comfort is Bradstreet giving to her children by saying: "In chirping languages oft them tell You had a Dame that lov'd you well, That did what could be done for young And nurst you up till you were strong"…
The entire poem is written with a tone of sadness or depression. This evokes the senses of the reader by being able to sense how the girl is feeling and see how the words of others affect her. It can be pictured, this little girl who plays with the Barbie doll and it is just a toy, but to others it is the appearance that society wants and she soon realizes that when a fellow classmate hurts her with mean words. She can not go on with the fear that everyone sees her as imperfect or flawed, so in the end she gives up on trying and eventually gives up on herself. A simile in the poem, “Her good nature wore out/like a fan belt,” the message here is that she has given up on everything.…
He used vivid language, yet was very direct in describing for them their doom unless they had “a great change of heart” and repented of their ways. Bradstreet uses simple language, stating it how it is without further deviation, as she tells how she rediscovered God in the midst of fire. In the lines “Adieu, Adieu, all’s vanity/ Then straight I ‘gin my heart to chide” is when Bradstreet begins to realize that her possessions are not her own nor are they eternal. She realizes that “Yet by His gift is made thine own;/There’s wealth enough, I need no more,” which means that she now knows that she does not need her worldly possessions to be complete, but rather that she needs God and must return to him.…
Bradstreet is distraught to know that she will no longer be able to entertain or create memories in her home. However, as with most of Bradstreet’s writings, she then leans on her faith to get her through this devastation and reminds herself that there is a home for her in…
In the second half of the poem, a new facet of the speaker's attitude is displayed. In line 17, she wants to improve the ugliness of her "child" by giving him new clothes; however, she is too poor to do so, having "nought save homespun cloth" with which to dress her child. In the final stanza, the speaker reveals poverty as her motive for allowing her book to be sent to a publisher (sending her "child" out into the world) in the first place. This makes her attitude seem to contradict her actions. She is impoverished, yet she has sent her "child" out into the world to earn a living for her.…
Her choice of words in this poem reveals that while admitting a close and intimate relationship with it, the she is intensely dissatisfied with her book. The words "errors," "irksome," "blemishes," "defects," and "homespun" all emphasize the speaker's disgust. The author can't seem to find one redeeming feature in the book, although she does everything within her power to remedy the errors that, to her, are so blatant. She "washes," "rubs "stretches” and "dresses the book, always trying to improve its quality by editing, revising, rethinking, and rewording it. Bradstreet finally gives up at…
Think about the major Puritan beliefs as you re-read this poem. What philosophical beliefs about God and the purpose of human life are reflected in Bradstreet’s poem?…
Throughout Mark Baker’s The Fiftieth Gate, understanding the past is represented as a continual and dynamic process. Baker gives a holistic representation of his parent’s experience of the Holocaust, demonstrating the complimentary relationship between history and memory. This notion is explored in the autobiographical book through the depiction of his parents’, and his own past. The bricolage style of the text aids in portraying the interplay between history and memory, enabling a more cohesive representation of the lasting repercussions of the Holocaust.…
Stricken with fear she hesitates once and then Russell calls up to her, “you need to jump now, they're here to catch you," almost instantly after Russell spoke she emerges from the window and she lands on top of Russell.…
What is bullying? Bullying is everywhere. It’s that horrible thing that destroys people’s happiness and life. Bullying is the big guy picking on the little guys at lunch, the popular girls spreading rumors about the nerdy one, or even the mentally challenged kid being made fun of everywhere he goes. Bullying is the intelligent college student who committed suicide after being humiliated via the internet by his best friend. I’m sure just about everyone has either been a bystander to the horrors of bullying, heard about someone (most likely a student,) who decided to end their life just to get away from a bully, or have possibly even been bullied themselves. You may be wondering what kind of a person would do this, possible reasons for it, and even how they would go about bullying someone. Also going through your mind may be thoughts about the dangers to a society a bully can cause. Hopefully you were also thinking about ways that everyone including yourself could help to put a stop to bullying once and for all. Let me give you some ideas.…