Boseman connects the graduates’ mental challenges of overcoming social, academic, and personal issues with the physical challenge of having to laboriously walk up the hill, illustrating how their last 4 years have been a constant battle in every aspect of their lives. By comparing the graduates’ experiences to climbing up a difficult hill, Boseman aims to elevate the audience and commend their hard work. As the metaphor of the hill portrays them as resilient individuals, Boseman is able to encourage the graduates’ to continue their journey of hard work with the goal of success in their careers and lives and calls them to pursue their dreams. In the same manner, as Boseman brings his speech to an end, he notes how the “light of new realizations shines on you [the graduates]” (Boseman). In referencing how “light. shines on you” to the graduates, Boseman aims to emphasize the journey of struggle each student has undergone to obtain the level of success they have
Boseman connects the graduates’ mental challenges of overcoming social, academic, and personal issues with the physical challenge of having to laboriously walk up the hill, illustrating how their last 4 years have been a constant battle in every aspect of their lives. By comparing the graduates’ experiences to climbing up a difficult hill, Boseman aims to elevate the audience and commend their hard work. As the metaphor of the hill portrays them as resilient individuals, Boseman is able to encourage the graduates’ to continue their journey of hard work with the goal of success in their careers and lives and calls them to pursue their dreams. In the same manner, as Boseman brings his speech to an end, he notes how the “light of new realizations shines on you [the graduates]” (Boseman). In referencing how “light. shines on you” to the graduates, Boseman aims to emphasize the journey of struggle each student has undergone to obtain the level of success they have