The story begins with Charlie Wilson, a Democrat who represented Texas’s Second Congressional District in the House of Representatives was staying in Las Vegas and relaxing with women, drinking alcohol, and having a great time. His secretary is made up of beautiful …show more content…
women serve him alcohol and give him the latest news.
A millionaire and socialite named Joan Herring asks Charlie to fly to Afghanistan to meet with the president of Pakistan.
The President of Pakistan explains they do not want empty words and they need weapons to fight back against the forces of the Soviet Union. The President persuades Charlie to visit the camps which are tending to the wounded and discovers what is truly happening. Charlie Wilson returned home determined to raise awareness and support for the freedom fighters of Afghanistan.
Shortly afterwards, Charlie Wilson meets with Gust a C.I.A agent and discusses about what is and schemes a plan to meet and speak with the president of Israel. Later, they set up a meeting with president of Israel, Pakistan, and a belly dancer to gain the approval to raise the money to support their cause.
Charlie Wilson, Joan Herring, and Gus manage to raise from 5million to 1 billion dollars in taxes to semi-secretly supply the weapons. Afghanistan used their new weapons to take down the armed helicopters, tanks, and the Russians forces. The war between Afghanistan and the Soviet Union finally ended.
The U.S. did not retrieve the weapons they lend to Afghanistan, and leads to a tragic event known as 9/11/ The movie briefly mentions Charlie blames himself for
The momentum of the scenes changed rather quickly and it made understanding the movie a little difficult to understand at first.
I believe the actors played each character remarkably well while making it highly believable. The actors are funny, intelligent, rowdy, and even have serious approach to the situations in this story.
The Charlie Wilson, well dressed in his suit, looks very professional. However, he failed to keep a professional profile by stirring the news with his drug and alcohol look throughout the movie. In Afghanistan, people are clothed in dark clothing from head to toe, and people who are wounded are not wearing much at all.
The film uses vibrant colors when addressing the actors clothing and background lighting in many scenes throughout the movie. In many serious scenes the lighting is toned down to suit the feel, tension, or aspects of the movie.
The movie was an excellent balance of humor and fun while delivering a message how the U.S. helped end the war in the 1980s. The movie also made politics and war more entertaining. The actors did a fine job with bringing each character to life while making it very believable. . Overall, I learned to appreciate the movie mostly towards the end because the message of the movie was revealed and positive emotions made the movie a great experience.