This case is extremely relevant for Darius, because while Cora may have a legitimate aim to increase the safety of her customers, and she might feel that older drivers may lose some of there road skills which could affect there safe driving. However, there would most definitely be a lack of evidence suggesting that an individual aged 65, compared to 55 for example, would have a decreased standard of…
According to the textbook aging drivers have problems with reduced reactions time, night vision deterioration and needs longer time to read signs. The textbook says that these drivers compensate by blaming their age for crashes. Also law are lax and don’t require older drivers to retest when renew their driver’s license. I have seen some bad car crashes caused by seniors who didn’t want to give up their independence. At 80 years old my great grandfather who had Alzheimer was given his driver’s license. I believe if you have severe health complications you should not be given a license to drive, or least time…
among older drivers, states need to ensure the safety of our streets and highways by passing…
Advanced age affects the safety of the roads because when we age, our senses do not work as they did when they…
Currently there is an extremely important issue that the public should understand more about due to its enormous impact on many citizens. This issue pertains to the safety concern surrounding the elderly while operating a motor vehicle past the age of 70 years old. This debate whether old people should be allowed to drive is often brought up by younger drivers, the reality is that all able bodied people who are physically and mentally healthy should be able to drive but as we grow older it is inevitable that our health will decrease. There are many different arguments on this subject and seems to be a widely spoken debate amongst road users regarding each of their opinions on the possible changes to be made addressing this concern. We can examine the argument by first generally summarizing each side of the argument and their position with supporting evidence of each sides common claims.…
Often times if one asks another what age group they think is the most dangerous drivers one would say teenagers. Lately there have been many reports claiming that these thoughts are no longer true and that elderly drivers are considered the most dangerous age group on the road. The Washington Post said that in the age group sixty- five and over have accounted for “sixteen percent of all traffic deaths and eight percent of the injured, but they accounted for thirteen percent of the population.” With statistics so high why is there no questions being asked about the ability the elderly have to drive. Research shows that the older one gets the worse their vision and hearing can get these are two key senses you need when driving. The loss of these two senses can be the difference between life and death on the road. Death rates for drivers begin to climb after age sixty-five, according to a recent study by Carnegie Mellon University. The elderly should have to prove to the Registry of Motor Vehicles that they are capable of driving by retesting, completing and passing a drivers education course, or putting an age limit on how old one can be until one they are considered no longer able to drive.…
Wilson, Kevin A. "What to do about Elderly Drivers: Part 1 of 2; Everyday, we are all getting older. With better health care, life expectancy is rising. For a population that has enjoyed the personal freedom the automobile offers, a potential danger looms. (Special Report)." AutoWeek 57.14 (April 2, 2007): 20. Student Edition. Thomson Gale. Clemson University.…
According to the National Traffic Highway Safety Administration by 2011, the very first Baby Boomers will be 65 years old. By 2025, nearly one in five drivers will be 65 or older. Right now there are a estimated 30 million 65 or older licensed drivers. Looking even further ahead, the number of licensed drivers over age 65 is set to double in 2030, to 57 million.…
Senior citizens have been criticized on their driving abilities for many years, and them having driving privileges has been debated for just as long. It is fact that some of the abilities required for driving lessen with age. Some of these risks factors would be eye sight, hearing loss, drowsiness, and even diseases related to age. Inevitability, senior citizens should be required to retake a drivers test often.…
Another common age-related loss is sensory deterioration, such as vision, hearing and balance. The changes often progress subtly, countered by compensatory mechanisms that offset productivity declines until the very last stages of life. A 1988 study found that bus drivers who were 60-64 years old had better safety records and fewer accidents per year than any other age group.…
Defensive driving is a concept of defending yourself but instead of a person, it relates to vehicles and others around you. Defensive driving is known within today’s military and also used within law enforcement. Regardless, these methods should be taught for teens all the way to elderly in order to help understand the indicators to react of potential hazards that may or will happen. Numerous accidents happen because a driver does not pay attention to what is happening on the road. Any vehicle, immaterial of its size, can be the cause of an accident (2012). This falls into both age ranges when it comes to not paying attention or might possibly that the driver doesn’t care about the surroundings. Research on drivers with marginal deficits in cognitive function, mainly older drivers, also points the possibility of compensation of these deficits, e.g. by driving more defensively and carefully…
Getting older doesn't automatically mean that you shouldn’t be behind the wheel; however, regularly monitoring your driving abilities is an important part of maintaining senior health because there comes a point for nearly everyone when reflexes slow and vision deteriorates, making driving no longer safe for you and others on the road. This is especially true for people who have age-related health conditions.…
Some people might argue, that not everyone over the age is impaired. This is true, but however, other people are healthier than others, depending on heredity, and prior decisions made in life. That is why further screening is necessary to determine who is safe to drive. With further screening, this would cut out the risk of car crashes including people over the age of 80. After the age of 80, people must continue to run their errands and get from point A to point B like always, but not if they are considered unsafe to drive.…
Persuasive Essay Is it better to be mature or experienced when starting to drive in the real world with other drivers. It’s better to start driving at a younger age because then as you grow up and keep driving you will have some experience from your childhood. But there’s also bad parts about driving not being taught the right way and doing the wrong things will get you in a lot of trouble. Most people if they start at a young age they grow up to be better drivers.…
Elderly drivers are one of the rising issues in our society nowadays and it’s no joke. Little attention has been given to it despite the increasing number of accident caused by such. Tests for elderly drivers should be made mandatory and restrictions should be placed on some of them to add more safety and reduce accidents to our roads. Aging is a part of life, it is inevitable and people degenerate…