According to the textbook aging drivers have problems with reduced reactions time, night vision deterioration and needs longer time to read signs. The textbook says that these drivers compensate by blaming their age for crashes. Also law are lax and don’t require older drivers to retest when renew their driver’s license. I have seen some bad car crashes caused by seniors who didn’t want to give up their independence. At 80 years old my great grandfather who had Alzheimer was given his driver’s license. I believe if you have severe health complications you should not be given a license to drive, or least time…
laws requiring motorists over the age of seventy to pass frequent road and vision tests.…
Advanced age affects the safety of the roads because when we age, our senses do not work as they did when they…
Often times if one asks another what age group they think is the most dangerous drivers one would say teenagers. Lately there have been many reports claiming that these thoughts are no longer true and that elderly drivers are considered the most dangerous age group on the road. The Washington Post said that in the age group sixty- five and over have accounted for “sixteen percent of all traffic deaths and eight percent of the injured, but they accounted for thirteen percent of the population.” With statistics so high why is there no questions being asked about the ability the elderly have to drive. Research shows that the older one gets the worse their vision and hearing can get these are two key senses you need when driving. The loss of these two senses can be the difference between life and death on the road. Death rates for drivers begin to climb after age sixty-five, according to a recent study by Carnegie Mellon University. The elderly should have to prove to the Registry of Motor Vehicles that they are capable of driving by retesting, completing and passing a drivers education course, or putting an age limit on how old one can be until one they are considered no longer able to drive.…
Today I want to propose that the federal government institute a law requiring any one age 70 and up with a state drivers license to be tested every year to make sure they mentally and physically capable of driving.…
The statutes in most of the United States have been written in such a way that permission is granted to the state to choose who needs to be retested or reevaluated for the right to obtain or maintain a driver 's license. However, these statutes do not exclusively state that persons who reach a certain age should…
It is nearly absurd to perceive how many illegal immigrants are driving around the United States without a driver's license. Illegal immigration has been a debatable topic in the United States. Moreover getting a drivers license is not as easy as in other countries for illegal immigrants. Regardless of their status, people, should be competent to obtain a drivers license, generating a reduction in hit-and-run accidents, beneficial law enforcement's, as well as safer roads for the nations brighter future.…
If older people are able to pass their test and are able to see and hear without any serious problem, they should not be able to hold a license and go out and drive.…
iii. Thesis: I want a federal law to be passed that forces any driver the age of 65 and older to be retested every 3 years to not only save their lives, but others around them.…
I believe that all senior citizens should retake the entire driving test including the vision, written and road tests after they reach age 65 and every three years thereafter. Should they fail, I believe their licenses should be revoked. They should be allowed to take driver's education classes, but they should not be permitted to drive until they are able to pass the driving test. Hopefully this proposal will eliminate many of the careless accident-prone drivers, and decrease the number of…
Purpose: To persuade my audience to vote against the idea that the elderly should have to take driving test’s to get their licenses renewed.…
Health concerns play a major role in an elderly persons ability do drive. One after another, day after day you can guarantee that there will be an accident some where caused by something. Though the elderly are not the only ones at fault for this, they have a higher risk at being involved in a fatal car crash than teenagers (Loyola). Some of the largest threats of having elderly drivers on the roads are vision, hearing, physical disabilities, dizziness, confusion. When discussing physical disabilities it may include reaction time to events happening around them, traffic light signals changing from one color to another. Which is bad enough on its own, but as if that was not enough another even more dangerous worry is the loss of sensation in extremities (Loyola). When such loss of sensation occurs it is difficult for an elderly person to be sure of how much pressure is being applied to a gas or brake pedal.…
In today’s society automobile accidents are an everyday occurrence. Mishaps can happen anywhere at any given time. In the past ten years accidents have averaged around ten million occurring for each year (US Census Bureau). That is 100 million automobile accidents in ten years. Most people would automatically point their fingers at young drivers in today’s world. A number of accidents are caused by teens though I believe a worse threat is starting to appear. This threat being elderly drivers over the age of 70. These elderly drivers could be considered dangerous due to their decline in sensory. With more elderly drivers increasing over the years, drivers everywhere could be in danger. Within the next 20 years the number of elderly drivers is expected to triple in the United States (Older Drivers). To combat this the solution is simple which is to make elderly drivers retake a driver course test.…
There is support for some restrictions on elderly drivers based on evidence that older drivers are more involved in traffic accidents than any age group except for teenagers. According to the article, “Elderly Driver Restrictions,” “The push to add restrictions gained momentum following the November 1998 death of 15-year-old Brandi Mitock. While crossing an intersection, Mitock was struck and killed by a 96-year-old driver who claimed not to have seen her. The driver had not taken a road test since he first got his license in 1918.” With so much support already, and research backing up these claims, many states should consider greater restriction for elderly drivers when they renew their license.…
Percentages show that elderly drivers are responsible for 5% of all people injured in traffic crashes, 13% of all vehicle occupants’ fatalities and 18% of all pedestrian fatalities. Cutting down on collisions caused by elders, the NH driving safety rate would rise. When a crash involved an older and younger driver 30% of the time it was the elders fault. Elderly drivers have the highest accident rate per mile driven. Elders have lost their skills due to age, and should not be on the road. The state of NH needs to step up, and put an end to collisions caused by elders. Elderly drivers should have to retake the driver’s test again once they turn 70 years of age.…