When applying to acquire a drivers license, eventually a photo, address, and other personal information is required in order to proceed. If an individual was to commit a crime, it would be a easier way to track the suspect down. Not to mention there would be a decrease in identity theft reports, and acquiring drivers licenses fraudulently. Many states are in favor for illegal immigrants to obtain a drivers license alike Nevada, Illinois, Washington D.C, and New Mexico. Although some states deny licenses to illegal immigrants, this only increases the number of people divining unlicensed and uninsured, which "undermines effective law enforcement" in the United
When applying to acquire a drivers license, eventually a photo, address, and other personal information is required in order to proceed. If an individual was to commit a crime, it would be a easier way to track the suspect down. Not to mention there would be a decrease in identity theft reports, and acquiring drivers licenses fraudulently. Many states are in favor for illegal immigrants to obtain a drivers license alike Nevada, Illinois, Washington D.C, and New Mexico. Although some states deny licenses to illegal immigrants, this only increases the number of people divining unlicensed and uninsured, which "undermines effective law enforcement" in the United