1. I would say that the Nun is powerful. The novel was written in first person but had series of letters. This was published into a book in the year1796.
2. Suzanne is portrayed by Denis Diderot as a young girl. The young girls were supposed to be innocent and worked well to make the stories. The young soul is deprived of pleasure in her life. It would be unacceptable that the fate among innocent young girls. Sexual harassment one mother superior subjects her to pass and is unnoticed until to Suzanne until the priest bring it to her attention that the cuddles and cares had the mark of evil on them. Suzanne lives in scenes known as amidst that can be like horror films, cruelty, and madness. There would be only a little love and that can be sinful or furtive. The two souls are able to help her. She isn’t hopeful I would say she is hopeless and alone in a dreadful place where female’s souls are …show more content…
Suzanne is sent to a convent and will remain there until her other two sisters are married. Her parents decided for her to become a nun. She is well treated at times but one day she was in chains. She would be terrified for a women and thinks the same will happen to her. She spoke to her mom about not continuing the convent. Her parents would know her decision. She is locked up in isolation for visiting the priest and the Nun. She then decides she would like to be a Nun. A young woman is trying to gain freedom. Diderot doesn’t only his distaste from the church but the notion of the institution being involved with religion, human rights, and freedom. This has been taken away from those that are involved in church.
5.”Anything except becoming a nun, I don’t want to become a nun.” In this text I thought this quote was important. She was forced by her parents to enter a convent and taken holy orders. The decisions were taken without her consent. She was pushed into religious life and the torture she was going through as she tries to escape a life of